Sunday, 26 June 2011

Maria Hertogh (Nadrah)'s Story

Why did the Maria Hertogh(Nadrah) Riots happened?
The reason why Maria Hertogh Riots started because the court make a strict decision that Maria Hertogh should be returned to her biological parents after having raised by the Muslims. The Court even rejected the appeal of having Maria to stay with the Muslims within 5 minutes. Therefore, it is clearly shown that the colonial legal system was biased against the Muslims that cause the riots to happen.

When and how did Maria Hertogh Riots happened?
The Maria Hertogh Riots happened around 11 December 1950, immediately after they convinced that the colonial system is being biased against the Muslims. Firstly, the riot only consisted of the Malays and Indonesia Muslims but then it was reported that the local Chinese also joined the riots. They attacked any Europeans that they see like overturned the europeans’s cars or burnt them. The riots spread more by nightfall. Then the British Military arrived only around 6.45pm.

What actually happened after the riot?
After the riot,which ended only by noon on 13 December,caused a total of 18 people killed,which consisted of seven europeans,two police officers and seven rioters shot by the police or military.A total of 173 were injured.119 cars were damaged,and at least two buildings were set on fire.

 Sadly, Maria Hertogh(Nadrah) died at the aged of 72 because of leukaemia.

The Effects Of Maria Hertogh Riots
Firstly, the public transport and business was disrupted.
 Secondly, there was about $21,000 worth of property was badly damaged.
Lastly,even worse, about 18 people was killed and another 173 was badly injured cause by the riots.

Lessons to be learnt
Singapore is exposed to eternal influence can can sometimes cause a great disorder.
Riots may upset people’s lives, disrupt businesses and also cause suffering to people.
Respecting other culture and religion is the most important value that we all should have.
Understanding and be sensitive to other culture and customs of other races too.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

True Facts About Maria Hertogh


Maria Hertogh, or to be specific, Maria Bertha Hertogh was born in Java in 1937 to Dutch-Eurasian parents, she was adopted during the war by an Indonesian Muslim woman, named Che Aminah.  When Maria's father was arrested by the Japanese, Maria's mother gave Maria to Che Aminah to be raised. She was brought up as a Muslim and was named Nadra.

In 1949, Maria's mother, Adeline Hertogh, came back wanting her daughter in her care. 
Maria's case was brought to the High Court in Singapore and she was placed under the care of the Social Welfare Department.

In May 1950, the court ruled that Maria be returned to her biological parents. Che Aminah opposed the decision and sent an appeal. Two months later, the court returned Maria to Che Aminah.

Maria went through a marriage ceremony with a Malay teacher Under Che Aminah's care. She was then 13 years old. 

In November 1950, the battle for custody continued. the court ruled that Maria should be returned to the biological parents instead. The judge announced that the Dutch law did not recognise Maria's marriage as she was under-aged and her biological father's consent was not obtained. This upsets the Muslim community as they felt that Muslim law was not respected. 

Meanwhile, the court put Maria in the care of a Catholic convent in Thomson Road. there was a widespread coverage of the custody battle in the English, Malay and Tamil newspaper. Reporters and photographers entered the convent to take pictures of Maria.

Che Aminah appealed again for the custody of Maria. On 11 December 1950, the court sat to hear Maria's case. Large crowds gathered outside the court at the Padang to know the verdict. The judge rejected the appeal.

Feeling betrayed by what they saw as the British taking sides with the Dutch, the supporters of Che Aminah at the Padang started to riot. Any European and Eurasian in sight was attacked. Cars were overturned and burnt. Serious roiting erupted in vicinity 
of Sultan Mosque, North Bridge and Jalan Besar roads. 

The riots continued for three days and a curfew was imposed for two weeks. Troops were called in to matintain law and order. By the third day, the situation was under control. About 18 people were killed and 173 people were injured during the riot. 

Friday, 24 June 2011

Anti-NS Riots

Students protesting against NS
IN May 1954, students from Chung Cheng High School held a demonstration to protest against National Service.
All males between the ages of 18 and 20 were required to register for part-time National Service.

On May 13, 500 students created havoc in the streets, while another 1,000 students locked themselves in Chung Cheng High School. Over 20 students were injured and 48 were arrested by the police.

On May 18, 55 students formed a delegation to request for exemption from National Service. Their request was turned down

2,500 students locked themselves in Chung Cheng High School.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Anti-NS Riots

IN May 1954,
students from Chung Cheng High School held a demonstration to protest against National Service.
All males between the ages of 18 and 20 were required to register for part-time National Service.

The Chinese students felt that it was unfair to them, as they saw no future in the British-ruled state. Some also believed that it was a ploy to use local people to preserve colonial rule.

On May 13,
500 students created havoc in the streets, while another 1,000 students locked themselves in Chung Cheng High School. Over 20 students were injured and 48 were arrested by the police.
On May 18,
55 students formed a delegation to request for exemption from National Service. Their request was turned down.

The school authorities decided to close the school two weeks earlier for the school vacation, fearing that there would be further trouble.
2,500 students locked themselves in Chung Cheng High School. The group only dispersed when the police and parents stepped in to intervene.

The Maria Hertogh Riots

The Maria Hertogh Riots began on 11th December 1950 in Singapore after a court decided that a child who had been raised by Muslims should be returned to her biological Catholic parents . 
 A protest by outraged Muslims escalated into a riot . The riot lasted till noon on 13th December 1950 . In total , 18 people were killed and 173 were injured .

Maria Hertogh also known as Nadrah had been in the care of Aminah Binte Mohammed before being returned to her biological Dutch Catholic parents . Basically , this is just a short summary about the Maria Hertogh riots .